When I was nominated for the Liebster Award, I had no idea what it was! I am pretty new to the whole blogging thing and I had never been nominated for any sort of award outside of school, so I think it’s really cool and sweet that someone has come up with an award to give to new bloggers to sort of say, “Hey! I recognize that you are new and probably feel pretty clueless, but I would like to say you are doing a good job and should keep blogging!” With all new things it can be difficult to remain interested and confident, especially with a blog which can be swallowed in the sea of other bloggers.

If you were like me and have no idea what the Liebster Award is, it is an award given to bloggers from other bloggers essentially giving them a pat on the back and also to help promote upcoming bloggers. One of the rules is that the nominated blogs have to have less than 200 followers. And that’s me! 🙂

If you are also like me, you will have asked yourself, “What the heck is a ‘Liebster’?” Well, after doing some research, it is German and it means “lovely”, “favourite”, “beloved”, or other similar nice words. How beautiful is that?

Okay, onto the official post which will abide by the award’s rules:

1st Rule – Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog on your blog.

A huge thank you to The life of a fangirl who originally nominated me! I’m sorry it took me a while to actually post this! Please go look at her blog!

Another thank you to a bookworms escape who also nominated me!

2nd Rule – Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”.

3rd Rule – Answer the 11 questions, given to you by your nominator.

The life of a fangirl’s questions:

1. What is your favourite quote?

My favourite quote (and there are many!) would have to be, “Happiness is a choice.” I know it from ShayCarl, although I’m not sure if anyone else is more well known for it. I say this little quote to myself so much that it really has become more of a lifestyle than just a saying. I just think it is a positive way of looking at things. I don’t necessarily take it literally (because everyone has periods of sadness and many people suffer from mental illness or depression, which is not a choice) but I think of it when I am in a difficult situation. I have the choice to let something make me happy or put me in a bad mood. I ask myself, “am I going to let this bring down my mood?” or “am I going to put my bad mood on other people and ruin their day?”. The answer is always, “no.” I do my best to look for the best in situations and learn from mistakes.

2. What is your favourite book and what makes it your fave?

Oh Lord. This question is so difficult, and yet, it’s not. It may be clichĂ©, but the only books that I honestly feel my life would be so different without (not including the Bible) would have to be the Harry Potter series. I love those books so much. I love the characters, I love the setting, I love all of the magical world and the muggle world mentioned in it, and I love the beautiful story and messages it has to offer. I cannot imagine my childhood without the Harry Potter books.

3. Who influenced you to read?

I can’t say there was one particular person who influenced me to read. If I had to pick, I guess it would have been my mom. I remember when I was six or seven, the Junie B. Jones books were very popular for my age group. At one trip to Chapters with my mom, I remember she offered to buy me the first one. I said, “No way!” because I was still under the impression that books were boring and the only books worth reading were the ones with pictures. I regretted not getting that book and she got it for me for Christmas. I read those books so fast and loved every bit of them. That same year the first Harry Potter movie came out and I loved that too! So I borrowed the second book from my brother and attempted to read it (even though I was only six or seven). It was definitely too advanced for me but I got the main point of the book.

For many years the only books I would read were the Harry Potter books. Then Twilight came along. I’m sorry if you cringe at this, but those were the books that made me interested in reading like I am today. I got the first book for Christmas when I was thirteen in 2007. I read it in a day. Then I went out and got the next two books and read each of those in a day as well. I was so desperate to know what happened next that I started reading fanfiction (some of them are really good, don’t knock it till you try it!). Then I discovered there were so many books out there similar to Twilight that I started to branch out to other books and series, like Vampire Academy and its sequels. After that, I never stopped reading.

4. Who is your favorite female\male book character and why?

This one is also so difficult! But I would have to say Luna Lovegood. I adore her. It was between her and Neville Longbottom. Honestly, it wouldn’t hurt to give an explanation for both, I suppose. I love that Luna does her own thing, even though it’s usually very different from the majority of the crowd. I love her quirky wisdom and optimism, even when people are not being very nice to her. For Neville, I love that even though he started off as this timid, clumsy, and cowardly little boy, he grew to become so brave and sure of himself. I find both characters inspirational.

5. What gets you out of bed every morning?

The sun! Seriously. I am mostly a morning person (granted I got enough sleep) and I wake up pretty well in the morning. I have green curtains and they work very well to block out any light if I need them to. I started noticing that I was sleeping in until almost noon if I kept them closed overnight and I hate waking up that late – I feel like I’ve wasted my day! So I now sleep with them open (which is nice when it’s stormy or if there’s a full moon – it can be very pretty!) so that I wake up with the sun. I don’t routinely get up that early (maybe around 9am on average), but if I wake and the sun is shining on my face, it’s really nice and encourages me to get out of bed! I can appreciate the fact that I am the exact opposite of some people – I have a friend who sleeps with black curtains over her windows!

6. Are you a Harry Potter Fan?

Yes! In case my other answers above did not hint at that! 😉

7. What 3 words describe you best?

  1. Cheerful
  2. Resilient
  3. Independent

8. What is a genre of book that you would like to read more of, but haven’t yet?

I want to read more horror novels. I love all things scary, especially paranormal-related! I want to read a scary novel about a haunting or something like that.

9. Aside from writing and reading, name one activity that you do most of the time?

Play video games! I love The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the Kingdom Hearts games, The Sims (I honestly play this one the most!), the Harry Potter video games (especially the ones for Wii), and the Harvest Moon games.

10. What is a secret talent of yours?

I can paint and draw pretty well – although definitely still amateur! I don’t do it as often as I would like but I do love it!

This was one of my recent paintings:


11. What’s the best movie you’ve seen this year?

This year? I was hoping for an opportunity to promote Saving Mr. Banks because I know so many people who haven’t seen that movie, which I can’t believe because I absolutely adore everything about it! But I saw that film in theaters shortly after it came out in 2013 so I guess I can’t pick that. 😉

The best movie I have seen this year would have to be…well, it’s a tie between Jurassic World and Cinderella. I can’t pick. I loved Jurassic World and cried and laughed (and flinched), but Cinderella was a dream come true for me. I loved watching such a beloved animated movie be brought to life!

A bookworms escape’s questions:

1. Who is your favorite author of all time and why?

I would have to say that J.K. Rowling is my favourite author of all time. I love the Harry Potter books and I hold them so dear to my heart. I also adore Sarah Dessen’s books, so she is a close second.

2. What book can you read over and over again?

All of the Harry Potter books!

3.What are your top 5 favorite books?

  1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
  2. Anne of Green Gables
  3. Outlander
  4. The Book Thief
  5. Splintered

4. What are your top 5 favorite series?

  1. The Harry Potter series
  2. The Hunger Games series
  3. The Splintered series
  4. The Gemma Doyle trilogy
  5. The Twilight series (I’M SORRY, OKAY?)

5. Who is your favorite character of all time and why?

Since I answered this question in the previous round, I will simply copy and paste my answer (to be thorough):

This one is also so difficult! But I would have to say Luna Lovegood. I adore her. It was between her and Neville Longbottom. Honestly, it wouldn’t hurt to give an explanation for both, I suppose. I love that Luna does her own thing, even though it’s usually very different from the majority of the crowd. I love her quirky wisdom and optimism, even when people are not being very nice to her. For Neville, I love that even though he started off as this timid, clumsy, and cowardly little boy, he grew to become so brave and sure of himself. I find both characters inspirational.

6. What book do you wish was a tv series and why?

Oh boy. See, I feel like I’m not a very good judge of what would be translated well to television or film because in the past the books that I have wanted to be made into a movie have not turned out very well (*cough* City of Bones *cough* *cough*). But, granted the casting and production is done properly, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE if the Splintered trilogy was made into a television series. I feel like they could do so much with the world in that series, not only canon, but also just exploring the various parts of Wonderland and its surrounding worlds.

7. What book do you wish was a movie and why?

Once again, I would only wish this to be made into a movie if done properly, but: Red Queen. I actually just finished reading it about 20 minutes ago and I couldn’t help but think, “This would be wonderful on screen!” I can just picture the action and special effects that would go into it!

8. If you could cast your favorite book who would you chose?

Since I’m very comfortable with the cast in the Harry Potter films, I will cast the Splintered series instead.

For Alyssa, I’m very picky, but the closest actor I can see playing her would be Britt Robertson!

For Morpheus…I’m even pickier. But I would have to pick Ben Barnes.

I’ve always had one actor in mind for Jeb and that would be Diego Boneta!

9. Where is your favorite place to read and why?

If I am at home, my bedroom, because it’s the only place I know I won’t be disturbed/distracted. But honestly, my favourite place to read is at my Aunt’s cottage on the beach. It’s so peaceful and relaxing!

10. If you could go to any world from any book where would it be?

The Harry Potter world. Hands down. I spent so many birthday wishes and nights praying that the Harry Potter world could be real during my childhood that it still hurts.

11. If you could meet your favorite character who would it be and why?

He isn’t necessarily my favourite character (although he’s on my top five list!) but I would love to meet Harry Potter. For one, meeting him would confirm that the Harry Potter world was real (please see previous question and answer), but I also would just love to sit down with some butterbeer and just have a nice long chat with him. Preferably at Hogwarts. On the day they discovered I’m secretly a witch. In the courtyard, because I imagine it would be lovely. Or perhaps the Gryffindor common room, since I know I would be sorted there. *sigh* It hurts to think about what will never be.

 4th Rule – Nominate 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 200 followers.

Here are my Nominees (a couple of which are very close to 200 followers! Congrats!)

  1. Turn to page 394
  2. booksarica
  3. Life is sweet in books
  4. ScribbledImagination
  5. Full of Animosity
  6. Books and Palettes
  7. Dancing Through the Pages 
  8. Ana Loves…
  9. Fiction Hour
  10. The Falling Bookshelf

5th Rule – Must inform the bloggers that you nominated their blog for the Liebster Award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.

6th Rule – Create your own 11 questions for your Nominees to answer.

  1. Pick one book that you would say is your favourite book and why? (I know it may be hard!)
  2. Where is your happy place?
  3. Why did you start blogging?
  4. What is your favourite season and why?
  5. What is your ideal career?
  6. What is your absolute favourite food?
  7. What three words describe you best?
  8. What is your favourite thing about yourself?
  9. What would be your top travel destination and why?
  10. Do you believe in ghosts?
  11. What’s the best movie you’ve seen this year?


1st Rule – Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog on your blog.

2nd Rule – Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”.

3rd Rule – Answer the 11 questions, given to you by your nominator.

 4th Rule – Nominate 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 200 followers.

5th Rule – Must inform the bloggers that you nominated their blog for the Liebster Award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.

6th Rule – Create your own 11 questions for your Nominees to answer.

Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover


When Tate Collins meets airline pilot Miles Archer, she knows it isn’t love at first sight. They wouldn’t even go so far as to consider themselves friends. The only thing Tate and Miles have in common is an undeniable mutual attraction. Once their desires are out in the open, they realize they have the perfect set-up. He doesn’t want love, she doesn’t have time for love, so that just leaves the sex. Their arrangement could be surprisingly seamless, as long as Tate can stick to the only two rules Miles has for her.

Never ask about the past.
Don’t expect a future.

They think they can handle it, but realize almost immediately they can’t handle it at all.

Hearts get infiltrated.
Promises get broken.
Rules get shattered.
Love gets ugly.

– Goodreads


Ugly Love was another book I could not put down. I finished it in a day and it was wonderful.

After a few weeks without reading a single book I was fortunate enough to go on a week long vacation/retreat with my family to a cottage. I had seen a review of this book on YouTube and mentioned it to one of my friends who told me she already owned it! So when I was going on vacation, I asked her if I could borrow it (along with seven other books, hahaha) and I started reading it a few days into my trip.

Ugly Love was a book filled with drama and sexual tension and honestly, just really likeable characters. It is a book where the POV switches between the two main characters (which I usually hate) but it worked really well for this story. Tate is funny and down to earth, and she’s also an RN, which is pretty cool.

Most of Miles’ chapters are actually flashbacks to a time when he was a teenager and his chapters slowly lead up to the reason why he has commitment issues. The cover of the book itself if kind of a clue, and I had my guesses as to what may have turned this romantic, sweet teenager into this grown man who is afraid to fall in love – although my guesses were not very accurate.

The story itself starts off with a bang. Tate is moving in with her older brother at his apartment while looking for work and a place of her own. As she gets to her brother’s door, there is a drunk guy passed out up against it, preventing her from getting in. She calls her brother for advice and the dialogue between the two of them is pretty funny. She manages to get inside and then finds out from her brother that…oops…the drunk guy is actually his good friend Miles! She gets him inside and witnesses him in a pretty embarrassing and pitiful drunken state, makes sure he is safe, and then go to bed herself. They officially meet the next morning and thus begins the real story.

The reader immediately assumes that Miles is probably this stereotypical bad boy who likes to drink and has strong commitment issues, hooking up with tons of girls for sex and avoiding love at all costs. Miles probably surprised me the most, though, of all the characters. He really isn’t all that he seems at first, although there were definitely times when I wanted to shake him for being so stupid (and I know Tate wanted to do the same).

Ugly Love is also being made into a movie and if you have seen the teaser trailer for it, you would think the story is similar to Fifty Shades of Grey. The trailer wasn’t very good in my opinion, since I honestly think they were aiming for the same audience that loved Fifty Shades (even the music is similar to Fifty Shades). There were a lot of sex scenes in the book, but I didn’t find them as graphic or as common as they were in Fifty Shades.

With that being said, Ugly Love is a “New Adult” contemporary book and it does contain mature content. If you are too young or just someone not comfortable with reading a book that contains somewhat detailed sex scenes, I would not recommend this book (although for the latter, you could always skip/skim over the scenes).

If you are looking for a quick read that involves drama, romance, and a touching story, I would definitely recommend Ugly Love!

Overall, I would give Ugly Love 4/5 stars!